2 days before delivery: I was nervous out of my mind. Because of the delivery? No… I wish! It was because I had an interview for my perfect job, which included a teaching demonstration. The job: a Paralegal Adjunct Instructor. The morning of I practiced my last demo and was getting ready to head out the door. Matt was snuggling with Sam on the couch and showed me how Sam’s hand had become completely infected from a splinter. Not to mention he developed a horrible cough. Then he told me that he felt like he had strep throat again (he just got over strep 10 days prior!!!). So while I went to my interview, Matt and Sam when to the doctor. Doing an interview at 39 weeks pregnant is one thing, but getting up in front of a small mock class to do a teaching demonstration was totally nerve racking! They must have ignored all my imperfections (including the heavy breathing from the baby sitting on my lungs) because they hired me on the spot! I felt like I was in one of those dreams that you wake up from and wish it was real. haha. I am so excited for this new opportunity and I will start teaching 1 class beginning May. Meanwhile, I met up with Matt and Sam at the clinic and poor Sammy had to have his blister removed and was so brave as the doctor poked around in his hand for 10 minutes to find the splinter. Oh yeah, and Matt … oh my poor Matty had a positive strep throat again!!! So both of them got on anti-biotics and were on their way to recovery! The next day Sam’s cough got worse.. so bad that it was making him throw up. And then Matt started to get a cough. Ugh! How can this be happening the day before??? Now to the delivery: We arrived at the hospital for an induction at 9a and I was dilated on my own at almost a 3. I was treated with anti-biotics for group B strep and I was told they were not going to get aggressive until the anti-biotic was in my system for 4 hours. I was given a small dose of pitocin at 11a and the doctor came in and broke my water at about 11:30a-12p. The nurse asked if I wanted an epidural and I decided I better request one since there’s only one anesthesiologist and there could be a long wait. I got the epidural pretty soon and it was seriously amazing!! It wiped away ALL the pain. At this point I was dilated at a 4+. 30 minutes later I started feeling some serious pressure and I worried the epidural was wearing off already. So I mentioned it to the nurse and she said, “Oh, I better check you.” And sure enough.. I was complete!! I could not believe how fast it went. Of course, I started balling.. (this is the most emotional part for me).. I get to meet my baby that has been inside me for 9 months. I was totally expecting to push out this 10 lb baby for 2 hours because of my experience with Sam. But she literally came out in 1-2 pushes and was born at 3:10p. Our little princess!! I can’t believe how much I love her! I love how much she looks like her brother. I love her tiny little button nose because it makes her… her. I love how feminine she is. I love how she is already daddy’s little princess. and when she opens her eyes.. I seriously wonder how I could get such a perfect child. She is the most beautiful little girl and I feel so blessed that she has joined our family. These pics were taken at the hospital and I really wish I could afford $135 for 7 shots. But I’m going to do my own little session this week.
It sounds like you had QUITE the week. Congrats on the job...seriously amazing. AND....I got teary reading your birth story. I'm totally getting baby hungry. I miss you!!! When you're ready for a lunch date let me know!!!
She is so precious, I want to meet her, congrats on the new job, that's exciting. I hope the whole family is all doing well and healthy, again, congrats on everything
Oh, you made me cry! I'm so glad everything went so perfectly. She's adorable and I LOVE that name--that's been one of our favorites for 10 years. I hope your recovery is as fast as delivery.
Matt and I met at "the Bay" almost 11 years ago. We've been married for 8 years and have had one adventurous life together. We have two great kids and are probably done making babies. I am currently a stay-at-home mommy trying to stay overwhelmingly busy with the kids, photography, teaching paralegal classes and anything crafty in-between! Matt recently graduated from Weber State and is working at IMC as a Respiratory Therapist.
Sealed in the Salt Lake Temple in May 2006
Our little Sammy is not so little anymore at 3 years old. He is actually HUGE and could probably pass for a 4 year old! Our guy has brought more happiness than we ever thought possible. Every day is a day to look forward to because he is in our life.
Our little princess came into the world on April 6, 2011. (And trust me.. she has earned the name princess.) But she is the sweetest little thing and we can't imagine a world without her! We're so excited to watch her grow and see what kind of fun and mischief she brings to our fam!
for fun ideas to do with the kids.. check out my friends blog!
the funny things Sam says...
After dumping a bunch of gaterade in my lap while driving, I had a little meltdown. Sam says from the back seat, "Mommy, please don't talk."
Whenever he hears a weird noise, he looks at me and says, "Whagga heck?" and sometimes he'll say, "Whatta ooze that?" (What is that)
"I so scared of garbage man."
Matt goes to check on Sam to find out why he's not asleep. Sam says, "I want Mommy." Matt says, "Mommy went night-night". Just then the water turns on and Sam says, "No, mommy's takin' a tub-tub."
"Mommy has a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG belly, it's like a ball."
"I so cited for baby sister."
Was watching toy story 3 and had the biggest smile when Barbie & Ken first saw each other. Sam said, "That's mommy and daddy!"
Whenever he farts, he laughs at himself and says, "I tootied!!!"
When I tell Sam we're out of something, he replies, "Needa go to War-mart to get some more."
At night I usually sing to Sam a lullaby by Billy Joel. One morning Sam said started saying the words to the song, "Good night my angel, now it's time .... SAY IT MOM!!!"
Sam is super lucky to have cousins his age. He totally loves his cousin Boston & wants to do everything just like him.
the GIRLS!!! Emma & Maya... Sam can't get enough of these two!
(since I've been home, I've actually had time to have fun with my photography.)
She is adorable!!! Congrats so much to you guys :)
It sounds like you had QUITE the week. Congrats on the job...seriously amazing. AND....I got teary reading your birth story. I'm totally getting baby hungry. I miss you!!! When you're ready for a lunch date let me know!!!
She is so precious, I want to meet her, congrats on the new job, that's exciting. I hope the whole family is all doing well and healthy, again, congrats on everything
Oh, you made me cry! I'm so glad everything went so perfectly. She's adorable and I LOVE that name--that's been one of our favorites for 10 years. I hope your recovery is as fast as delivery.
Yay for the Bullocks--family of four!!
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